Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day One Hundred Forty-five

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth" Colossians 3:2

A new door has been opened today...uh, actually, several doors.  Emma has conquered the door knob!   That means that I need to secure the pantry door.  We already have a lock on the refrigerator, and locks on the drawers and cabinets (what a pain to install), which keep her out of those areas. However, whenever she sees the pantry door open, she makes a bee line to it.  Once in the pantry, she finds something to open or make a mess with, so it needs to be secured since she can open the door now.   I have learned that all the locks will last until she is four or so, because Davianna and Ryan have already figured them out.  I have also learned that they quietly sneak up behind Mirjan and I and try to figure out our passwords. :)   They have cracked Mirjan's password for her phone already.  :)

Ryan had a usual day.  He didn't want to eat, but did eat a little.  I'm glad that this hasn't affected his taste for milk because a big glass at night and in the morning gives him some energy.  He watched a little wrestling tonight...man, that is addictive ever since we went to the match.  He gets excited when he sees the wrestlers that we saw.  Davianna could care less about it.  Emma acts like she doesn't care, but has picked up some amazing moves that she tries on daddy each night. 

Davianna was posing outside.  Every time a camera is pointed at her, she stops what she is doing, and poses.  Just like her mother and grandmother. 

If you ever wondered what happens when you take sidewalk chalk, mash it up, add water and then make creative designs on the driveway, the answer is below.  It becomes like a permanent marker and can withstand multiple rainstorms.

When I got home, Davianna told me not to go into the dining room because she was making me a Father's Day card. :)   It was a good evening.

Father, thank you for blessing us with a good day.  Thank you for keeping Ryan's spirits high and allowing his lifestyle to be as normal as it has been.  Please continue to feel his heart with your love and heal my little boy.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.