Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day One Hundred Seventy-three

"Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2

Ryan was on the computer when I got home, and he was fully engaged.  He has really gotten into the computer over the past six months or so and can navigate quite well.  Davianna was patiently waiting her turn, and Emma was just running around making noise.  Everyone seemed in a good mood and there were no house shoes flying tonight. :)  Emma's comprehension is absolutely amazing.  At times it seems that she is in my mind because she knows what I am going to do next and will try to do that for me. 

I enjoyed listening to Mirjan's phone conversation with someone at the grocery store this evening.  She called and asked them if they had guava paste.  As she was explaining it, I was throwing in my own commentary and amusing myself.  She said it was in a tint can (the can had it's windows tinted?), and it was probably on a shelf (no, it was in a drawer) in the hispanic food section.   Then she spelled it, and I told her if she has to spell it for them, they don't have it.  They did find guava jelly, but no guava paste.  Maybe they put it in the toothpaste section?  Or with the glue?  It looks like a trip to Fiesta is in order to pick that up.  Thank you for letting me humor myself, Mirjan.  I love you!

Mirjan has been busy all week getting ready for the baby shower she is hosting.  It will get really crazy in the next several days as she is determined to create more wonders.  She was cleaning the house tonight, and said that she needs to get it clean before "she" messes it up again with the baby shower stuff.  When she starts baking and decorating, I'm sure that she is going to have some help making a mess.  In particular, a little girl named Emma will provide great assistance.

Mirjan talked to Elisa's mother tonight, and things have taken a real turn for the worse.  She went back into the hospital yesterday because of a high fever, so Mirjan was going to go see her tonight.  However, she was flown back to Houston today.  The doctors told her mom that her condition is really bad.  Mirjan sent her a text at 10pm, and she was getting another chest x-ray at that time.  The doctor also said to call Make-A-Wish and try and move up their trip.  They called Mirjan about 10:30, and Mirjan talked with them.  Elisa asked if we could pray for her, so we prayed with her on the phone.  It's hard to understand.  Please, Lord, be with her and her family. 

Father, I am truly grateful for every healthy day that you bless Ryan with.  I am grateful that we are at this point in the journey and that Ryan is doing well.  I ask that you continue to guide us and strengthen his body.  It has been difficult, but we also see that other families are going through even more challenging experiences.  I ask that you be with them, comfort them, and guide them.  Please be with Elisa and strengthen her body.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.