Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day One Hundred Eighty

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Psalm 19:1

Ryan did great today even though it was a very long day.   He and I arrived at the hospital around 6:30, and we were ready to get all the tests done.  However, since we were just there for tests, I think our priority status was about as low as it could go in hospital terms.  I completely understand that emergencies should bump us, but being there for almost 11 hours for about 2-3 hours of actual tests and preparation was tiring.  We did work to get all of the tests done in one day, which was great, and all the people were wonderful!

Ryan got a blood test, then had to drink some medicine with contrast for the CT, then had to have some radioactive material injected into his port for the bone scan, and then he got to play a little bit with the scooters.

After playing on just about every scooter, and then games on the phone, we played "Break the Ice."

Then we went to get the CT scan.

We then talked to the anethesiologist and thought that we were ready for the final two tests.  That's when the bumping really began.  So, after a while a nurse asked if I thought Ryan would be able to lie still for the bone scan and not go under for that.  Uh, we might as well try. :)  So, we did the bone scan and Ryan was very still.  He actually fell asleep after about 5 minutes.  It was really interesting watching the scan, which took about 40 minutes.  The technology is amazing!

Here are sample pictures pulled from the web, which is very similar to what I was seeing on the screen.  They really focused on the bright white spots, which shows activity.  Ryan had a lot because he was a growing boy, so they focus further to see if there are significant differences on each side of the body. 

After we were done with that, Ryan played on the scooters again.  The nurse said it would be at least another 3 hours before we could do the MRI.   Ryan was running on about 16 hours without any food at that time, and I wasn't sure how much longer he was going to go before he demanded something to eat.  That meant it would be at least 20 hours between any food.  So, we played some more and then the girls showed up and wanted to play too!

When it was time for the MRI, Mirjan and the girls went up to the oncology floor, talked to the child life folks, played in the toy room, and ran into Ryan's doctor.  He asked what were we still doing here. We had already asked that question.  :)  It sounded like they had a good time, and saw a lot of good people.

I went back with Ryan, filled out all the paperwork ("Does he have any metal in him?"  "Uh, not that I know of.").  There was a new anethesiologist because he said the other one's shift was over.  Then I prayed with Ryan, and watched him go to sleep with the cherry gas.  I think I might have dozed off in the waiting room then.  After about an hour, they called me back and he was waking up.  I sent a text to Mirjan, and they came down.  They helped get him up and going and we headed out.  Ryan wanted to  ride on my shoulders to the car, so he did.

Mirjan ran by and picked up his favorite food, and we all met back home.  All the way home, he kept asking "Where's my food?"  :)  Hmmm, that's something we don't hear often.  So, he didn't need much encouragement eating tonight.

 Father, thank you for being with Ryan today and letting the tests be safe.  Thank you for the care and love shown to him by many people today.  Thank you for guiding us to this point, and I pray in Jesus' name that the scan results are good tomorrow.  Father, please let my little boy be healed and continue to strengthen his body and keep him healthy.  I am grateful for your blessings and comfort!  Amen.