Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day One Hundred Sixty

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."  1 Peter 3:15

Ryan had a good day today.  He was in good spirits the entire evening!  Soon after I got home, a little person was knocking on the door.  She also brought an overnight bag.  I wasn't consulted on that, and I'm starting to see a trend.  When the girls get together, the girls make decisions.  And even if the boys had a vote, the girls outnumber the boys.    So, we had four little people running around the house tonight.   I love a loud house....and it was loud.  The girls played dress-up, and came out with their fancy dresses on and a little too much play make-up.  Ryan was running around like with a rubber dart gun acting like he was in charge of everyone.  Davianna bought that for Ryan today with the gift card that she received for her birthday.  I didn't want to take it away from him because she was really proud of what she did, and he was very appreciative. I told him to hug her, kiss her, and tell her thank you.  He did without any objections.   I was kind of jealous because a girl never bought me a gun.  :)   He was protecting the fancy ladies tonight.

Before bed, we turned youtube on the tv for about 15 minutes.  Ryan wanted to listen to Christian music, and he knows the words to most of the songs and would sing.  Davianna wanted pop music and she danced just like her momma...with style and attitude.  Emma liked everything and would dance next to Davianna.  Fun stuff!

This is a really good week for us.  Make-A-Wish brought Ryan a birthday cake on Sunday, he is excited about his birthday tomorrow, and his last chemo treatment, God willing, is on Friday.  What a week!  Every Friday Ryan says, "This is my last chemo!"  Every Friday, we say, "Not yet, but it's getting closer."   I'm just waiting for him to say it on Friday, and watch his face when we tell him that he is right.

Although I'm excited about Friday too, I want the tests to finish afterward and hear good results.  I just remember the verse at the top of the blog, and have faith.  I was on my knees tonight thanking God for getting us this far and praying for him to keep Ryan healthy.

Father, thank you for blessing us with a wonderful day today.  Thank you for another healthy day for Ryan and fun evening the kids shared.  I am so thankful that we are able to celebrate his birthday tomorrow, and that he is healthy enough for it to be an exciting, active day.  I thank you for your guidance, strength, and comfort that you have provide to all of us, and I ask that you continue to heal my little boy.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.