Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day One Hundred Fifty

"Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."  Hebrews 13:16

Father's Day, 2010!  Since I got home late and there were 4 people sleeping in my bed, I decided to crash in Ryan's room.  I was awoken up this morning by two little ones with Father's Day cards.   They were really nice!  Davianna presented me with one of her art masterpieces and Ryan wrote the message in the picture on yesterday's blog in the card.   Then I was served pancakes and eggs in bed.  I am submitting legislation that every day be Father's Day with pancakes and eggs for Dads in bed!  I also received some fancy cologne (Kah-log-on-ee). 

We were just a little late to the second service today.  Pastor gave a good message, and he got on a roll, so we didn't roll out of there until a little after 1.  We ate lunch at home and then I took a nap.  After a while, a little person woke me up because they needed help with some batteries.  A little nap is better than no nap. :)

This picture was funny.  Mirjan pulled out the camera and Emma walked over to her, pulled out her pacifier, and then gave a big smile.  She takes after her sister and her mother by posing every time she sees a camera.

We then headed to the clubhouse for our neighbor's birthday party.  There was a lot of food, more than a lot of candy, and cake.  We rolled out of there about 9pm, and everyone was tired.  Mirjan took bath duty for all of the kids (the kids get cleaner and she stays dry as opposed my nightly bath duties). 

I was sent this video, which I thought was pretty cool and pretty accurate. 

It was a good day.  Thank you, Mirjan, for helping the kids make it special.  I love you!

Father, thank you for blessing me with three wonderful children.  Thank you for guiding me as a father and giving me strength, patience, and love.  I am so grateful for my children everyday.  I ask that you continue to guide me as a father, direct my decisions, balance patience with discipline, fill my heart with your love, and let them feel that love every single day.  I also ask that you continue to heal my little boy.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.